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Product Information

Our Solid Wood Flooring Products—Quality You Can Stand On

Smith Flooring specializes in producing the highest quality solid unfinished oak and hickory wood flooring. We offer a wide mix of sizes and grades in red oak, white oak, and hickory. Standard sizes are 1½-inch, 2¼-inch, 3¼-inch and 4-inch (sizes refer to the width of the face). Most sizes are available in any NOFMA grade, as well as our own proprietary Cabin Grade (see Selecting a Grade in the side bar for grade descriptions and photos).

All of our products come from well-managed, sustainable forests. Smith Flooring is a charter subscriber to the NWFA's Responsible Procurement Program, a joint initiative between leading environmental organizations and manufacturers who are committed to producing flooring that comes only from environmentally and socially responsible sources. The program was conceived by NWFA in conjunction with Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), and the Rainforest Alliance TREES US program. Read more about it here.

Our flooring products all are manufactured right here in Mountain View, Missouri, and all come from the slow-growing, hardwood forests of the Missouri Ozark Mountains. That's what gives our flooring its unique character, hardness and durability. We're certain you'll be pleased with your choice of Smith Flooring.

While our product mix is fairly standard, it is dependent upon the lumber supply we are able to source and dry. As such some products may not be available at all times.

Smith Flooring Products list

All products are solid ¾-inch thick and meet NOFMA guidelines for grade** and configuration.

Smith Flooring product table

*Mixed hardwoods consists of any variety of hardwood species other than oak and hickory and is sold as is.
**Cabin grade is proprietary and not a NOFMA grade

For questions, please contact Smith Flooring directly at 417-934-2291



Woodsmith Pellets



Selecting a Grade
Click here for grade
descriptins and photos

US Green Building Council
Click here to learn more

Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS)

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