Woodsmith Premium Hardwood Pellets burn clean and hot, helping you maximize heating values while
minimizing ash clean up and appliance maintenance costs.
Wood pellets are affordable and pricing is stable. In fact, as more and more
manufacturers enter the business, supply is increasing, causing downward pressure
on prices.
The total cost of heating with wood pellets compares favorably with other forms of heating fuel.
Woodsmith Premium Hardwood Pellets are a sustainable biomass fuel made with
renewable wood. Our pellets are made with 100% hardwood flooring plant
residuals — reclaimed industrial waste.
Woodsmith Premium Hardwood Pellets burn hot and clean, generating better-than-industry-average BTUs per pound, with extremely low ash (about 0.5%).
Better efficiency and lower emissions means more comfort and cleaner air.
There is something nice about knowing your fuel is growing back. 100% of the raw
material used in our pellets is waste material from our hardwood flooring plant. And
all of the wood we use for our hardwood flooring comes from the sustainably
managed hardwood forests of the Missouri Ozarks.
Woodsmith Premium Hardwood Pellets contain no additives - just 100% residuals
from our hardwood flooring operations.
Our raw material comes from a flooring plant, so our pellets are virtually bark-free and very
low ash, which means less need for stove cleaning on your end.
Because our raw material supply is consistent (we use only high quality kiln dried
hardwood lumber for our flooring) our pellets are consistently high quality,
producing steady output of about 8,500 BTU per pound.
Choose the best for your home heating needs - Choose Woodsmith Premium
Hardwood Pellets.